Okavango Delta


The University of Botswana's Harry Oppenheimer Okavango Research Centre HOORC (http://www.orc.ub.bw) was established in 1994 in response to the need to understand the natural and human processes that shape the Delta, which became a Ramsar Wetland of International Significance (http://www.wetlands.org/R...) in December 1996. HOORC's multidisciplinary research teams provide the science to support the work of local, national and regional planning bodies such as Botswana's Okavango Delta Management Plan (http://www.envirobotswana...) and OKACOM (http://www.okacom.org/ind...), the Okavango River Basin Water Commmission. Flow (http://flowhoorc.blogspot.com) the HOORC Library weblog, reports research and news relevant to the Delta.